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Canadian Chestnut Council

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Members

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of members of the Canadian Chestnut Council will commence at 1:30 pm on Sunday, Oct. 23rd, 2022.

Tim Horton Children’s Foundation – Onondaga Farms
Science/ Eco-Centre, 264 Glen Morris Road East, St. George Ontario

The meeting will also be conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams software.

The meeting will be held for the purpose of conducting the affairs of the Council including:

  1. Receiving and considering the report of the Chair of the Council for the year ending September 30, 2022
  2. Receiving and considering the Council’s financial reports for the year ending, September 30, 2022.
  3. Confirming and approving all acts and proceedings of Directors and officers in 2021/2022.
  4. Election of New or Returning Directors of the Council for the 2022/2023 operating year.
  5. Confirmation of the Executive of the Council
  6. Business Arising

For In-person Attendance – as a result of the Onondaga Farms Covid – 19 protocols, all those attending in-person will need to preregister by sending an email to Christine Vey - Registration closes Oct. 21st at noon. All those registered will be required to complete two forms which will be forwarded to you attention once you have registered. The reception of in-person attendees will begin at 1:00pm.

For Virtual Attendance - The link for the Team meeting is below. While the link will be open beginning at 1:00 pm, the actual meeting will begin at 1:30pm.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 230 017 760 979 Passcode: 36DX75
Download Teams | Join on the web
Learn More | Meeting options

The meeting will be followed by the Chair’s annual update on the initiatives of the Canadian Chestnut Council.
Guest Speaker’s Dr. Brian Husband and Sophia Stoltz, researchers from the University of Guelph will be presenting "Reflections on the Recovery of American Chestnut in Canada: Research Progress and Priorities in the Husband Lab". This talk will focus on their DNA findings and analysis and will be of interest to all.